Flush and clear your first-level session cache periodically as in the following batch insert sample 像如下范例中那样定期刷新(flush)并清除一级会话缓存
He further stated that he would like to get a very clear idea about what they were going to do in the June session to achieve their objectives. 他进一步说,他想非常清楚地了解六月会议上怎么做才能达到目标。
As the table legs were not dry from the clear coating that had been applied, the man asked us to wait until our next session before taking our projects to our dormitories. 因为桌腿刚涂上的清漆还没干透,那位男士让我们等到下节课才把作品带回宿舍。
The clear allowance of land transfer in the seventeenth third plenary session of CPC made the agricultural land transfer find its basis on policy and its developing direction. 十七届三中全会明确提出允许土地流转,使在农村进行的土地流转找到了发展方向和政策依据。